Loyalty and Customer Engagement Services

Our specialty!

The laws applicable to customer loyalty and customer engagement are a disparate bundle of regulations that often slip under the radar in terms of compliance.

Loyalty Legal is a recognised specialist in the legal and commercial issues that need to be addressed as part of engaging with your customers, including customer relationship management (CRM) and establishing and operating a loyalty program. This work typically includes:

    • Advertising and marketing laws
    • Competition and consumer law
    • Privacy and SPAM compliance
    • Privacy policies and terms of use
    • Trademarks and brand management
    • Trade promotions and competitions
    • Loyalty programs, KYC and Customer engagement
    • Direct marketing
    • Advertising and marketing copy clearance
    • Websites, online and social media
    • Financial services and consumer credit advertising
    • Digital and e-commerce services

After many years advising in highly competitive retail industries to providers of loyalty programs (including one of Australia’s most successful) and their service providers, our lawyers are uniquely experienced to offer tailored legal services to those who value customer engagement.

We think we deliver a service that is unique within the Australian market and is equally adapted to acting for large and small loyalty programs, but also to acting for partners (and prospective partners) of and suppliers, advisors and consultants to those loyalty programs – particularly the digital, e-commerce, data and analytics businesses that are now part and parcel of an effective loyalty program and those who believe in loyalty.

A Word on Loyalty Programs
We don’t know what we enjoy more – helping a loyalty program negotiate a new points deal with a new partner, or acting on behalf of the new partner and negotiating with the loyalty program. Our understanding of these arrangements for Loyalty programs is extensive, and we are eager to help you in your next round of negotiations.

The legal issues that need to be addressed to chart a course through customer retention and loyalty problems / and to achieve all your customer loyalty objectives, often include:

    • Who owns the data
    • What do you want to be able to do with it
    • What can you do with it
    • Are you getting value for money
    • Ring-fencing
    • Restrictions
    • Exclusivity of relationships
    • Who owns the loyalty program
    • Branding rights
    • Trade mark rights and sign offs
    • Marketing sign offs

This is a complicated field. Our objective is to assist all businesses who seek to maximise the value of customer loyalty, as well as providers of customer loyalty related services. We can negotiate for Loyalty Programs and we can negotiate for those who want to participate in third party loyalty programs, and we can help you establish your own loyalty program or provide services to a loyalty program.